😨 Hidden Secret of POWER GENERATION 🤔 Why does NOBODY talk about this? The mathematical and physical work of Oleg D. Jefimenko proved: wi...

 😨 Hidden Secret of POWER GENERATION 🤔 Why does NOBODY talk about this?

The mathematical and physical work of Oleg D. Jefimenko proved: with a genuine alternating current generator, there is no process of converting the kinetic energy supplied to the generator into Electricity.

-- Video by Ken Wheeler,  author of the book Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism

If you have a brain and like to use it, I think you will like this book. It's not a beginner book, but rather an alternative viewpoint with an associated philosophy (i.e. causality).

Example: A current increases in a wire. This causes a changing magnetic field. This changing magnetic field causes an electric field.

Question: Why not assume it's the current that DIRECTLY causes the electric field AND the magnetic field which propagates at the speed of light and are independent of each other? And they just "look" like they are "causing" each other.

What? Heresy you say?. It can't be right. It's too simple to be true.

No, it's perfectly reasonable and the end result is the same. In fact it can be shown to be mathematically equivalent.

But it skips the foggy-headed-magical ideas that are necessary to accept the traditional view point where things that happen after, somehow affect things that happened before.

This is the idea of Causality. Things must happen in a certain order.

Hidden Secret of POWER GENERATION: AC generator without fuel

The book by Oleg D. Jefimenko and the works left by Nikola Tesla show that alternating current (AC) generators have energy coming from the tension of Ether. That alternator is a Free Energy machine.

🌀 Nikola Tesla's Ether Technology:
💠 Harnessing the power of back electromagnetic fields (Back EMF)
💠 Back EMF generates Lenz's Force in generator 💠 When the output energy is not affected by the Lenz (free) force, a self-powered mechanism will be established from the AC generator head to the induction motor. And the kinetic energy of the induction motor at that time was only supposed to stir the Ether by Nikola Tesla's "Rotating Magnetic Field". That's the mechanism for a Free Energy AC generator - no fuel needed - Self-powered generator.

AC generator without fuelQuick Power System Will Change Our World Forever

🌀 Tesla's Ether technology is mathematically traced:
💠 The mathematical and physical work of Oleg D. Jefimenko proved that: there is no process of converting the kinetic energy supplied to the generator into electricity. Genuine AC generators do not generate Electrical Power, it is just the manifestation of Energy. 💠 The energy comes from the establishment of the tension of the Ether by the dielectric of the metal in the Ether field.

👉Free Energy AC generator

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